New Moon in Leo 8.4.24

New Moon in Leo 8.4.24

in the heart of...a New Moon in Leo

Your heart is basically the center of your physical body, and is the engine that powers the ships so to speak. It represents the 4th energy center in energy work, and is the 4th Chakra from the Root center. In Astrology the 4th house is where we look for the heart of your chart. The Sun rules the heart, and also rules Leo, which I like to think of as the gatekeeper to the heart.

I always envision two lioness sitting on either side of the doors to my heart when I think of Leo. Softly, quietly, yet powerful in their holding space. They lead the heart to its highest octave, but also keep it protected under their prowess.

Leo energy is dynamic, playful, charismatic, generous, attention grabbing, creative and expression based in general. This may come through leadership in whatever you do or be, I like to think of Leo energy as a spectrum. We have the heart on both sleeves, leading the world to a better place through heartfelt connection.

Annnnnd we have the Leo that is creating a container for release and laughter through comedy and acting and expressing on a world stage, and then there are ALL the Leo’s in-between! It really is a very vast energy, but at its core it is playful, expressive, and captivating when in its passion.

When in their shadow, Leo can be pretty shitty, to be honest. It can play power over games, it can lead you astray, it can be a very selfish and demanding energy. It is fixed fire energy, leading it to become very stubborn, or unchanging in its thoughts or actions. It can bulldoze others in conversation and competition. It can be pushy, loud and needy in its attention seeking…every energy has a shadow, as do all humans, its just how we work with and transform that energy personally.

Venus is the planet of romance, connection to nature and beauty, art, and appreciation. When in your natal chart it shows how you may express your desires, passions, creations, and how you may experience pleasure or sensuality. Venus also rules Taurus and Libra, lending a soft and grounding touch to those two energies, and lending them each their own sensual touch and aesthetic.

Uranus is the planet of innovation, disruption, course correcting, social change, and eccentricity. It rules Aquarius, and is exalted in Scorpio, it has a 7 year cycle in each energy and an 84 year full cycle around the Sun. It is currently at 26 degrees Taurus, which if you remember from my last writing, is a critical degree of Taurus energy.

A critical degree in Astrology is just the specific degrees within the 30 degrees of each energy that it is most amplified and extreme for that specific energy type. So for example, for Taurus the critical degrees are 2, 14 and 26. For Leo they are 8, 9, 21, and 22.

This New Moon in Leo is at 12 degrees of Leo, making the Sun and Moon trine to the North Node retrograde in Aries, currently at 8 degrees Aries. A trine aspect is harmonious and supportive, giving us space to rest and reflect around a goal or desire we are cultivating currently.

Neptune retrograde in Pisces is still hanging out at 29 degrees, that culminating and completing degree, and on this New Moon in Leo it is conjunct (right next to) the North Node Rx in Aries. Lending a soft, etheric touch the hot mess manner in which Aries can operate.

Mercury in Virgo will go retrograde on Monday August 5th, adding a layer to the need for rest and reflection, not forward movement, especially for the mutable signs : Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Slow your rollllllllll. Mercury will retrograde back into Leo on the 14th, and will stay there until the 28th of August, once we are in Virgo season and it will move direct in Virgo on September 9th.

Although we have been working with this energy for a few days now, we still have Venus at 29 degrees Leo square to Uranus at 26 degrees Taurus. Now this is a release if I have ever seen one.

Venus is at the critical degree of 29, just like the second Capricorn Full Moon we just had, and is bringing a culmination of something to a close. Uranus at 26 degrees Taurus is also a filling to the brim, a fullness that leads to release or integration. A square aspect is leading to transformation, what is in the way is the way. Uranus rules innovation and change, what we resist persists. Lean into yourself.

A chapter is ending, or beginning, however your perception lands, a new era of appreciation, expression, embodiment, relational understanding, creation and collaboration is coming through. It is your choice how you integrate and play with these energies begging to be invoked.

With Pluto retrograde at 0 degrees Aquarius trine to Uranus in Taurus, we have an added layer of support and transformation towards healing whatever is in our way, and this healing will add to the Collective healing we are all working towards on a grand scale energetically. This will bring in a closer connection and felt sense to the Collective, which Uranus and Aquarius have ties to.

On the whole, to me, this New Moon in Leo feels like a play hard, rest hard kinda New Moon…meaning what we put into the work, we should also put into our rest and restoring. I have personally been doing a lot of work around titrating into new and uncomfortable energies, strengthening my resilience to stress and widening my window of tolerance. This Leo New Moon feels very supportive to this work, to playfully engaging our edges and comfort zones with compassion, empathy for self and grace. Becoming the leader of your own self energy and all the parts that work together to create you moment to moment.

Reflection through play, creative expression, song, writing, dance, or invoking an energy that you do not play with much is a great way to engage with the energy this weekend.

Enjoy the Sun this weekend, really feel it illuminating and warming you, within and without.

I am hoping to write up the upcoming transits on Sunday, share them via email/substack Sunday night for all of you here, and then sharing on social Monday :) If there is anything you would ever want to know more about, or enjoy each week please let me know!! I want to write what you want to read!

Thank you so much,


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